The Makerere University – Behavioral and Social Science Research (BSSR) in HIV Training Program, is a five-year project, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institutes of Health on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and Fogarty International Center (FIC). The major goal is to strengthen Behavioral Social Science scientific leadership and expertise in HIV research at Makerere University in order to address the evolving challenges in HIV care and prevention in Uganda.
A. The following are the broad BSS HIV/AIDS Research priority areas (themes) and applicants are encouraged to develop BSS research concepts in the areas of:
- Understanding vulnerable populations and contexts of risk including timely identification of HIV infected individual.
- Improving behavioral and social factor risk reduction, prevention, linkage and retention in care
- Strengthening the development and clinical testing of biomedically based HIV treatment and prevention
- Contributing to the implementation of multimodal and multilevel prevention and treatment strategies.
- The impact of Alcohol on HIV prevention, testing and care.
- HIV and aging
B. BSSR Faculty, their contacts and areas of expertise
No. | Name | Phone contact | ||
1. | Prof. Anne Katahoire | annekatahoire@yahoo.co.uk | 0772723729 | Social behavioral theory and methods |
2. | Dr. Herbert Muyinda | muyindaherbert@hotmail.com | 0772407099 | Ethnographic research in vulnerable groups |
3. | Dr. Godfrey Siu | siugodfrey@yahoo.com | 0783447960 | Gender in HIV research |
4. | Dr. Joseph Rujumba | jrujumba@yahoo.com | 0772493078 | Pediatric AIDS and PMTCT |
5. | Dr. Mari-Armstrong-Hough | mah842@nyu.edu | Mixed methods research | |
6. | Prof. Peter Atekyereza | atekyereza@chuss.mak.ac.ug | 0782309276 | Social behavioral theories and methods |
7. | Dr. David Kaawa-Mafigiri | mafigiridk@yahoo.com | Applied medical anthropology | |
8. | Dr. David Kyaddondo | kyaddondo@hotmail.com | 0772410806 | Social policy and HIV |
9. | Dr. Joseph Matovu | jmatovu@musph.ac.ug | 0772972330 | HIV testing and counseling |
11. | Dr. Grace Kibanja | gkibanja@yahoo.co.uk | 0776811177 | Behavioral theories and models |
12. | Assoc. Prof. Lynn Atuyambe | atuyambe@musph.ac.ug | 0772467504 | Public health and Adolescent health |
13. | Dr. Martin Baluku | mbaluku1@gmail.com | 0777676950 | Organizational Psychology |
14. | Dr. Emmanuel Kimera | kimeraemma@yahoo.co.uk | 0783528568 | Social behavioral theory and methods |