06 January


The SIGHT program is soliciting applications for PhD fellowships tenable at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). The Biomedical Engineering Unit, Department of Physiology at Makerere University (Uganda) in conjunction with Case Western Reserve University (USA) received a grant from the …

03 August

Scholarship Opportunity for Epidemiology Methods

A limited number of scholarships are available for core epidemiology training via an online University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Epidemiology Methods (EPI-203) course running from September 14th to December 7th, 2022 Instruction will encompass a review of weekly didactic lecture videos, readings, assignments, Journal club discussions and …

02 August

PhD positions in the field of molecular medicine, cancer research, immunology, bioinformatics, cardiovascular research, microbiome and aging

Projects starting March 1, 2023 Application deadline: September 20, 2022 Join our cutting-edge PhD program at one of Europe’s leading Universities in the field of medical research. The Medical University of Graz offers the unique opportunity to work with state-of-the-art …