CEND Summer Institute 2022. July 18th-July 29th 2022

The Annual CEND summer Institute is back this year with both online courses and in-person practical hands-on workshops.
The workshop will be hosted by the Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, with faculty from the University Of California Berkeley, University Of California San Fransisco and Makerere University.
It will run from July 18th to 29th 2022.
Workshops include;
  1. Single Cell RNA-seq Analysis (July 18-22)
  2. Bioentrepreneurship: Small Molecule Therapeutic and Diagnostic Development.
  3. Scientific Grantwriting & Presentation.
  4. Metagenomic sequencing of nasal swabs from patients positive and negative for COVID-19
  5. Immunological analysis of samples from patients positive and negative for COVID-19 (July 25-29)
  6. 16S sequencing of fecal samples from patients positive and negative for COVID-19 (Wolf/Agudelo)
Please encourage our graduate students to apply.
Students can apply by scanning the QR code below or using this link:  https://forms.gle/WiJUgjCu75hodDg1A