Join us for the AFREhealth Satellite (CUGH Virtual Global Health Week): Advancing the field of Impact Science in Africa – Friday, November 3rd 2023

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AFREhealth, an interprofessional organization, exists to improve health and living conditions (social determinants) that affect populations in Africa. Professionals celebrate the impact of their work-related achievements. However, different groups use the concept differently, necessitating clarity in what we mean by impact.

This AFREhealth virtual workshop will provide the opportunity to take a step back and carefully reflect on how we use the word, impact, and how the use and focus appeal to the wider communities we serve. What benefits do the people we serve wish to obtain from our work?  Our audience will range from the people we serve, government and civil society leaders, funders like foundations, NGOs, and philanthropists who wish to support our work.

Participants will share their views on how to use the word, and the impact of various health services, education, training, research, publication, and policy-making. The workshop recommendations may help to guide AFREhealth’s future work on the continent and beyond. This is a great opportunity for you and AFREhealth to contribute to shaping the development of the field of impact science. This will be the first in a series of workshops to come.

Date: Friday, November 3rd 2023


Duration: 3 Hours



Prof. Nelson Sewankambo

Prof. Joe Kolars


Click to register for the webinar at the Zoom link below:

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Start Time

4:00 pm

November 3, 2023

Finish Time

7:00 pm

November 3, 2023



Event Participants