Makerere University Lung Institute webinar

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We start the year with yet another exciting session on Day of Lung Science (DOLS), an initiative by the Institute and the Division of Pulmonary Medicine designed to promote generation and sharing of lung science knowledge. This year’s first DOLs session will be on 25th January 2023 at 3 – 5pm.

This lecture will review diagnosis and management of cough in general and will focus on how chronic cough without apparent aetiology can be managed in resource limited settings where the range of investigation modalities are limited.

The session will be Chaired by Prof. John Hurst Professor of Respiratory Medicine at University College London and Dr. Bruce Kirenga Director Makerere University Lung institute.

Below is the link. Mkt5RUhBR0ZuREEvU2NST0UwTTkvUT09

Start Time

3:05 pm

January 25, 2023

Finish Time

4:00 pm

January 25, 2023

Address Mkt5RUhBR0ZuREEvU2NST0UwTTkvUT09

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