Public PhD Defense for Kafeero Hussein Mukasa: Friday, 17th November 2023

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The Dean, School of Biomedical, Makerere University College of Health Sciences invites you to be part of Kafeero Hussein Mukasa’s Public PhD Defense scheduled for  Friday, 17th November 2023 at 12:30 PM (EAT). See details below:

PhD Candidate: Kafeero Hussein Mukasa


Title: The HBV Serological patterns, Treatment eligibility, Genotypes and the TNF-α-863C/A & 1031 T/C Promoter gene polymorphisms in a high and low endemic region of Uganda.


Date: Friday, 17th November 2023

Time:  12:30 PM (East African Time)

Venue: Online and MakCHS BoardRoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 946 7959 2210
Passcode: 203267


Opponent/External Examiner

Prof. Philippa Mathews, The Francis Crick Institute and University College London, UK.



Dr. Hakim Sendagire, MBChB, MSc (Biochemistry), PhD.

Prof. Ponsiano Ocama, MBChB, MMed (Internal Medicine), PhD.

Dr. Dorothy Ndagire, BSc, MSc (Molecular Biology), PhD.


Internal Examiners/Panelists

Dr. Joan Nankya Mutyoba (MBChB, MS, MPH, PhD), Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Makerere University

Dr. Beatrice Achan, B.D.S., M.Med., M.Res., PhD, Department of Medical Microbiology, Makerere University

Defense Chair

Dean, School of Biomedical Sciences

Start Time

12:30 pm

November 17, 2023

Finish Time

4:00 pm

November 17, 2023


Online and MakCHS BoardRoom

Event Participants