Ends on
I am delighted to get in touch with you to let you know that our RSTMH Early Career Grants Programme is now open for 2022.
As a referee for a grant applicant in previous years, we would be grateful if you could share the grant opening with any early career individual that you feel may be interested in applying this year.
The programme is those early in their research careers, and for whom the grants represent an exciting and important opportunity. The Early Career Grants Programme 2022 is open for applications from early career researchers and global health professionals based anywhere in the world, who have not had research funding in their own name before.
Individuals can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 (GBP) to deliver a project over one year. The projects can be on any topic related to tropical medicine and global health, from across the research spectrum of lab, translation, implementation, and policy.
Applications can be on any area of tropical medicine or global health. RSTMH’s thematic priorities in its current strategy, plus other areas of health that are less well known are encouraged.
Please share this with anyone you think may be interested in applying. More information is available here. Do let us know if you have any questions.
We will also be running a webinar for anyone who wants to find out more about the Early Career Grant application process on 24 February at 13:30 – 14:30 (GMT).