Dr. Onyango Tadeo Jude
He is a lecturer and family physician in the Department of Family Medicine, one of the departements of the School of Medicine at the College of Health Sciences of Makerere University in Kampala (Uganda). He is currently the Acting Head of Department supervising daily activities and functioning of the department. He participate in teaching of both undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as coordinate research activities for Family Medicine postgraduate students. His research interests are specifically in improving care and management of Diabetes. He is currently working on a sub-grant from Health Professions education and training for strengthening the Health Systems and Services in Uganda (HEPI-HSSU). The grant project is based in three Regional Referral Hospitals of Eastern Uganda and its aim is to determine the relationship between the support diabetic patients receive from their family members and the self-management of the condition.
0704908736 | 0772573554 |
Other Members

Dr. Simon Mutauza

Dr. Besigye Kabahena Innocent

Dr. Namatovu Jane Frances